Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chicken Dinner: RTW's Western Favorites

Every western hero worth his salt must have a hat. Take a look at the history pages where you can learn all about the Boss of the Plains and other hats.

Spurs have been used since the Roman Empire, at least. Read Spurs: History and Usage at Cowboy Showcase.

A lot of us who love westerns, whether traditional, romance, or steampunk, like the idea of a hero sticking to his ideals no matter what. The Lone Ranger and Tonto certainly lived by their values, and here's an excellent article explaining their code and why it's important: JOHN BOGERT: Lone Ranger's code is what made him great.

Norman W Wilson, PhD wrote a contemporary series, The Shamanic Mysteries, which Romancing The West featured this week. (Thanks, Norman!) To learn more about it, try his non-fiction book, Shamanism: What It's All About.

Want to read an article about shamanism? Here's one on How the Shaman Alters His State of Consciousness. You'll find other shamanism articles there, too.

We have a winner!
Eden Baylee won a copy of The Shaman's Quest by Norman Wilson, PhD. Congratulations, Eden!

Let me know if you reviewed Much Ado About Marshals and I'll send you a sneak peek of the second book in the series, Much Ado About Madams. It's so new, I don't even have a web page for it yet!


  1. Woohoo! I never win anything...well...that's not entirely true, but this is thrilling none the less!

    Thanks Jacquie and Norman.



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