Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chicken Dinner: Wagons, Idaho, and Lovers

Conestoga Wagons were the "Wagons That Won the West."  Conestoga is a brand name and famous for heavy freight wagons.  I found a nice article that gives an overview of the history, uses, and construction in Twisted, Bent, & Bowed by David Sneed on the Wheels That Won the West website. Check it out! 

On March 4 in the Old West:
1861-Lincoln is inaugurated as President of the United States.
1863-President Lincoln signed an act creating Idaho Territory.
1868-Jesse Chisholm of cattle trail fame dies of food poisoning in Oklahoma.

From The Owyhee Avalanche, March 2, 1872 (reprinted February 29, 2012):
LEGAL ADVICE. A lover consulted a lawyer about carrying off an heiress. "You must not carry her off," said the lawyer, "but she can carry you off." Let her mount a horse and hold the bridle and whip, and then you get up behind her, and let her run away with you. Then you'll be safe. The next morning the lawyer found his daughter had run away with the said young man in the aforesaid manner.
Other news items:
The weather is pleasant and the roads are in good condition. The stages are making excellent time; they leave at 4 o'clock in the morning and arrive about 10 in the forenoon. The mails from all quarters are arriving quite regular once more. (RTW note: Silver City, Idaho Territory, had been snowed in for three months.)

Mrs. Geo. H. Cole, A.P. Minear, John T. Boyle, and D.T. Davies, ex-Superintendent of the Golden Chariot, all departed for 'Frisco on Thursday's stage. Mrs. Coe goes on a brief visit; Minear, on mining business and will return in a couple of weeks; Boyle, to purchase goods; Davies, to assume the Superintendency of the St. Patrick mine, near Auburn, Cal., a position to which he has recently been elected.
It's interesting to see what is important enough to be included in the newspaper. Seldom do we care who travels when or where these days, but in 1872 it was a news item.

Coming up!
We have a great week lined up with guest author Lyn Horner who writes the Texas Druids series.

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